Suspended Ceiling Grids

Ceiling Grid is typically what the Ceiling tiles are held in. Normally the Ceiling Grid will compromise 4 main components. The Perimeter Trim or Wall Angle, Main Tees, 600mm Cross Tees and 1200mm Cross Tees.

The Wall Angle goes around the perimeter of the room/rooms to both support the Suspended Ceiling at the walls, and provides a seamless finish between your walls and ceiling. Typically Wall Angle comes in 3m lengths that can be butted together to form longer lengths and easily cut down with tin snips for shorter lengths and corners.

The Main Tees normally come in 3.6m or 3.7m lengths and carries the weight of the suspended ceiling. The Main Tees are suspended down from the soffit with Ceiling Wire, and are fitted parallel to each other at either 60cm or 120cm centres.

Dependent upon the required configuration, the cross tees are then clipped into the pre-notched Main Tees, to span the gap of the already fitted parallel Main Tees.

For further information call our Sales Team directly on (01) 450 3480 or 086 837 3459 or email